Monthly Recipe Contest
Your recipe will be featured in the newsletter and may be added to our collection of recipes on our website.
Winner will receive your flavor choice of (1) medium Balsamic or Infused Olive Oil, (1) Seasoning Salt Tin and (1) Jalapeno Jam!
(1) medium Balsamic or Infused Olive Oil, (1) Seasoning Tin and (1) Jalapeno Jam!
Rules for entry:
- 1. Must contain an ingredient from the Migliore Olive Oil's product portfolio, i.e., Olive Oils, Vinegars, Seasoning Salts and/or Jalapeno Jams.
- 2. Must receive the recipe the 20th day of each month. Winner will be announced in the following monthly newsletter. Upon being selected, Migliore Olive Oil will contact you and ask for a picture of the winning recipe before being announced.
3. Entry of your recipe provides Migliore Olive Oil in CDA permission to share or publish this recipe via newsletter, email or Migliore Collection of Recipes on our website. Recipe author will receive recognition.